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Faith Staff

Connect with Faith! Faith Tabernacle is a church that is seeking to provide you with ways to enrich your life and your faith. Regardless of where you are on your Christian journey, just starting out or seeking a deeper walk with God, we want you to feel at home. All are welcome to pray, worship, hear the Word, and experience the Power of Jesus Christ!

Bishop Patterson of Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA


Dr. J. A. Patterson is the founding Bishop of Faith Tabernacle. He serves as a certified licensed Christian Counselor, providing sound counseling for all members and is an Honorary Chaplain in the Porterdale Police Department. Bishop Patterson also serves as an Honorary Member of the UPCI Georgia District Board.

Pastor Michael Patterson of Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA

Senior Pastor

Pastor Michael Patterson is the grandson of Bishop J. A. Patterson. He now carries on the vision and passion instilled in him by his pastor and grandfather. Pastor Patterson is a certified licensed Christian Counselor. He also serves as a City Councilman for the City of Porterdale as well as Chaplain in the Porterdale Police Department.

Pastor Ashley Neal of Faith Tabernacle church in Conyers, GA

Executive Pastor

Pastor Ashley Neal has been a member of Faith Tabernacle since 1998. He has served in many areas from youth ministry to the worship leader to campus maintenance. He currently assists Pastor Michael in ministry, counseling and church operations. Pastor Ashley is also a graduate student at Liberty University working toward his Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family therapy.

Wendy Patterson, Women of Faith Director at Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA

Wendy Patterson
Women of Faith Director

Ryan Mathis
Media Director

Summer Neal, Communications Director Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA

Summer Neal
Communications Director

Corban Patterson
Pastoral Assistant

Sydney Vaughn, Children's Pastor at Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA

Sydney Kahl
Faith Kids Pastor

Kaitlyn Greenleaf
Worship Arts Pastor

Tristan Greenleaf, Student Pastor at Faith Tabernacle Church in Conyers, GA

Tristan Greenleaf
Faith Student Pastor

Tyler Newborn, Discipleship Pastor of Faith Tabernacle in Conyers, GA

Tyler Newborn
Discipleship Pastor

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