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Next Steps

Connect with Faith! Faith Tabernacle is a church that is seeking to provide you with ways to enrich your life and your faith. Regardless of where you are on your Christian journey, just starting out or seeking a deeper walk with God, we want you to feel at home. All are welcome to pray, worship, hear the Word, and experience the Power of Jesus Christ!

Plan Your Visit

We would love to worship with you!

Our services feature a friendly atmosphere and dynamic worship as we are lead by the Holy Spirit. Regardless of your background, you are welcome here and we look forward to meeting you.

Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service - 11:00 a.m.

Storytellers - 7:00 p.m. *except 1st Wednesday of the month
Wednesday Bible Study Service - 7:30 p.m.

Step 1 - Welcome to the Family

“Welcome to the Family” is the first step in connecting with Faith Tabernacle and becoming a member of our church.

Our goal is to provide you with a snapshot of who we are, what we believe and how you can get involved.

- Week 1: Navigate

  • An overview of our leadership, ministries, & operations.

- Week 2: Foundation

  • Essential Bible doctrines.

- Week 3: Lifestyle

  • Core habits of Christian living.

- Week 4: What’s Next

  • Getting involved.

Step 2 - “Elements” Discipleship Class

The “Elements” discipleship course fosters growth in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

This course consists of four modules with six lessons each.

The discussion format empowers all the participants to discover and own Biblical truth for themselves.

- Module One - “Foundational Elements”

- Module Two - “Relational Elements”

- Module Three - “Doctrinal Elements

- Module Four - “Lifestyle Elements”

Step 3 - Ministry Central

We are excited to join with the United Pentecostal Church International in an effort to train & equip ministers for the Kingdom of God.

Once you have completed the “Welcome to the Family” and “Elements” you can begin your journey into ministry starting with Ministry Central.

Ministry Central is the ministerial training & development effort of produced by the UPCI.

You will navigate many topics such as:

Apostolic Doctrine
Spiritual Growth
Your Ministry
Pastoral Respect
Ministerial Development
Teaching Home Bible Studies
Educational Growth

Ministry Central is an online resource design to develop & enhance your ministry through the teaching & wisdom of experienced Apostolic leaders.

It is our desire to equip you to pursue the call of God on your life!


Follow Conyers Faith