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Connect with Faith! Faith Tabernacle is a church that is seeking to provide you with ways to enrich your life and your faith. Regardless of where you are on your Christian journey, just starting out or seeking a deeper walk with God, we want you to feel at home. All are welcome to pray, worship, hear the Word, and experience the Power of Jesus Christ!



“Give, and it will be given to you: Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will men give unto you. For with the measure you use, it will be measured unto you.”
Luke 6:38

Faith Tabernacle is always looking for individuals and families willing & ready to serve the Kingdom of God. Get started today by completing an interest survey or signing up for our Welcome to The Family class!

We stream all Sunday & Wednesday services live at our Conyers campus. If you happen to miss us or just want to go back and see a service again, feel free to check out our video and audio service archive!

At Faith Tabernacle, we seek to involve the entire family in both faith and fellowship! See our list of upcoming church events and special services. We offer something for every member of the family. Join us soon!