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A Lasting Impact: Getting to know our Bishop


Inspiration, encouragement and devotion from the members of Faith Tabernacle in Conyers, GA. A church blog devoted to helping you grow in your relationship with Christ. 

Faith Tabernacle is a pentecostal church whose goal is to help our community find joy and strength in Christ through the application of Biblical principles and life skills.

A Lasting Impact: Getting to know our Bishop

Summer Neal

Dr. Jerry Patterson grew up in the small town of Porterdale, GA.

His ministry career began in his local church in 1965. In 1968, he received his Bachelor’s degree in Theology.

He pastored churches in Taylorsville, MS and Athens, GA before moving to Conyers, GA in 1981 where he began Faith Tabernacle Church. During his tenure as pastor, he completed a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (1993) and later a PhD. in Clinical Psychology (1995).

Dr. Patterson has served on the Georgia district board for the United Pentecostal Church since 1971. He was a presbyter for many years and is now an honorary member.

Dr. Patterson became Bishop of Faith Tabernacle in 2012, after passing the mantel to his grandson, Michael Patterson. He currently lives in his hometown of Porterdale with his wife of 60 years.

Bishop Patterson has touched the lives of many over the course of his ministry. We recently asked for people to send in their stories of how he has impacted their lives. Below are their stories.

If you weren’t able to submit your story, leave it in the comments!

Bishop Patterson is my hero and my friend. One of the greatest things he’s ever taught me was how to be a Servant of God & Servant to Man. He not only taught me with his words, but he showed me through his actions. - Pastor Michael Patterson

Bishop Patterson is my hero and my friend.
— Pastor Michael Patterson

I have known Dr. Patterson since 1983. I have always known him to be fair and wise in dealing with people. He has always be a Christian whether at church in the pulpit or in life. Since 2007 I have been back in Ga he has shown me respect and given me his love and guidance to help me. I love and repect him always have always will. - Chuck Beasley

I have known Bishop all of my life, he dedicated me when I was born! - Destiny Criswell

He is not only my Bishop, but the best Uncle a girl can have. There has never been a time that I have called needing him that he has not been there for me. He always has the words to say, to always help make things better. He is wise, caring, loving and the most compassionate person I know. The lives he’s touched are blessed beyond words. I love him so much. - Ann Bailey

Dr.Patterson was very kind to me when I needed it most. He listen to me and always gave me good advice.Thank you for all you did for me and my family. - Diane French

I spent many services at his church in Watkinsville. Such a passionate preacher and wonderful person, he has forever left a mark on my life. I am also related to him and his beautiful family. - Kristy Trice

When my family seemed as we were tossed away he picked up my broken pieces and prayed for me daily. He also stated FTC was a house of healing. His messages also were on point. The one that sticks out the most was Don’t become bitter in your storm. That message has gotten me through so many things. Thank you Bishop for all your talks, love and prayers. - Cindy Yates

He was first Pastor my daddy thought so much of him.He has seen me in my darkest days and now in my best.I love him and his family.Great man of God who also batizpmed me.I just wish he lived closer.One of my all time favorite people. - Darlene Gable

I can’t begin to put into words just how much Bishop Patterson means to me. I can’t begin to count the times he has been there for me. In some very dark hours he was there. I love this dear man of God more than words can express. God bless and keep him in Jesus name. - Tammy George

I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to know him from a very young age. I have had the opportunity to watch him excel in all aspects. Being a part of his family, we have weathered many storms. Never once has he questioned the acts of God. He loves all people and there is nothing he would not do to help any in need. He is dedicated to serving God and people. He is the real deal. What you see behind the pulpit, in the church, in his office, or at Dollar General is the same man you see at home. He is compassionate, caring and understands the Bible with such wisdom, and his delivery of the Word of God is so understandable. I love him dearly because I know him. - Becky Watts

He is a true friend.
— James Holland

Brother Patterson and I have know each other since early childhood and he has been a constant friend throughout our lives. He is a Christian, a Man of God and my very good friend. I’m thankful to have him in my life. - Larry Phillips

Bishop has been my Pastor/ Bishop my whole life. He is one of the greatest Men in my life and an amazing Godly example to follow! I could not ask for a better example. He is so wise and I appreciate him more than I could ever express! He is Rock solid! Thank you Bishop Patterson for always being there for me and my family! - Ryan Mathis

I was 4 years old when my family joined the church in Whitehall. I received the Holy Ghost and was baptized while there. Later my family followed when he moved the church to Conyers. My childhood was Faith Tabernacle church & school, they were family. Bishop & Sis. Patterson were always so good to my mom & our family. They were always there for my mom. She loved them so very much as I do. He will always be my first pastor and the one I love to hear preach the most. His words still guide me today and always will. - Jennifer Adamson

When I was a little girl, my entire world consisted of about ten people. One of whom I called “Poppy.”
Three-year-old me already recognized that Poppy was the head of our family. As I grew older, I realized that Poppy was the pastor of our church. I heard the title of “Pastor” but never quite understood just what that job entailed. Once again, as I grew older, I realized this same man who was the head of our family was also the head of our church.
Poppy is the epitome of stoic. Regardless of the chaos and troubles that plague him daily, he always seems calm, steadfast, and strong. He was the best grandfather anyone could have ever hoped for, yet to me, he wasn’t just ours. I witnessed and knew first-hand that he treated everyone just like he treated his own family. Not only was he our Poppy, but he was that same man for many others.
If you needed guidance, he was there; if you sought direction, he would nudge you (while always allowing you to make your own choice), if you needed someone to talk to, he would listen and do so free of judgment; if you needed someone to pray for you he would do it wholeheartedly and without ceasing, if you needed Jesus, he would show and tell you. If you messed up, he still loved you!
I will never forget him giving his all every day for his family, church, and community. I’m not sure how God could bless one man with a heart so big that he would dedicate his life to serving others, but that’s who he is. Poppy is not only my beloved grandfather, but he’s an inspiration and a pillar for all who know him. He’s touched the lives of many and will continue to do so for many years to come. - Jessica Masters

He’s an amazing example of Godly leadership and what a true Christian should be.
— Sydney Kahl

How do I start?? I was around 6 years old when The Patterson’s came to Whitehall. They were immediately Family. Our Families were always together. I have such wonderful memories of Bro. Paterson. He is such a Godly example and a Amazing Preacher. He is like a Father to me. He and Sis.Patterson have always said I was Sherri’s little sister. I guess I can claim Ricky too. Lol Thank you for instilling The Word of God in my life at such a young age. I love you and Sis.Patterson. - LaRonda Sutton

He is a sweet and loving man of God. Has always been Uncle Jerry to me. Spent many a times with him and Aunt Sally! Has an always be a strong person to me and a great mentor. I was blessed abundantly to know him. My parents grew up with him in Bro. J T Payne’s church! Great legacy and role model! I’ll be forever indebted to his life and love for the Lord! - Christopher Ryan Mason

He was my Papa’s first pastor and lead my papa to the Lord, ultimately leading to my Papa becoming Rev. Billy Fowler. Dr. Patterson has impacted my life and my families lives in more ways than one, especially when my papa was battling cancer, he was there and praying for us and with us, everyday. We love you, Dr. Patterson!!!! - Holly Haynes

I have known the Dr. for some time now. I met him on a couple of occasions before he became my pastor and counselor. I respect this man like no other. He is a true soldier of the cross with a record that has been tried and proven over the years. I am honored to have sat under his ministry and to count him as my friend! - Bobby Eskew

I have always loved Bishop Patterson he has been in our family for a long time and done so many funerals for the Travis family we have a big family too. God bless Bishop hope he lives a long and healthy life. - CJ Lester

I’ve only know Bishop for 4 years now, but in these past years he has welcomed me in and made me feel like I belonged from day 1. He’s an amazing example of Godly leadership and what a true Christian should be. He’s truly without a doubt the best, and I love and appreciate everything he is to me in my life! - Sydney Kahl

Our pastor! He is the epitome of love and long suffering! He was so patient with us when we started our journey with the Lord! He always rejoiced with us on our mountaintops and hit his knees in our valleys! We are who we are because of him! We miss and love you Pastor! - Stephanie Barwick

I moved here in 1997 broken and not on a good road! Dr Patterson made no judgements and helped me through probably the most difficult time in my life! He and Nana were loving and kind and I know prayed for me til God brought me full circle! They are the best of friends and leaders! I know God brought me to Ga to be under this man and his family for the best reasons possible, only heaven knows! I will love them forever. - Rhonda Beasley

He was a great friend to me and my family in a very difficult time . He provided encouragement and direction. He is a true friend. - James Holland

Bishop is the epitome of love. I’ve known him since I was 4 years old. Without fail no matter where I was in my life Bishop always showed me love. - Amy Eskew

I have sweet memories of Brother Patterson since he first came out of bible colleage even before. Watched him preach his first message here at home.Went to his church for many years. He has been a life friend. My son came up through his ministry and is Senior Pastor of Bible Fellewship at lake Oconee. He and Sister Patterson have done so very much, His love for his Pastor J.T. Payne who loved him so much will always the most enduring to me. - Leon Walton

I am so blessed and grateful that he is my Father in law, my friend and my Bishop!
— Joy Patterson

He welcomed us in 2015 with counsel and open arms and heart and always sends encouraging text. - Marcia Fox

He has had a big impact on my faith and professional development. Being a bishop and a psychologist. I absolutely love the sound of his voice! I always get something out of his sermons. Having had recovered from alcoholism he has also given me hope as a recovering addict. There are so many aspects of my life he has touched. Faith Tabernacle was my first Pentecostal church where I was baptized in Jesus Name and recieved the Holy Ghost. My salvation was and always will be because of the acceptance, love and spiritual annointment of the church under his leadership. - Jenny Hand

The first time I met Doc and Sister Patterson, they took Amanda and I in like we had always been a part of their family. When Leon passed away Doc was a wonderful Godly counsel. He is such a great listener. I will forever be grateful that God allowed me to have such a wonderful couple in our lives. Love you Doc and Sister Patterson! - Terry Neal

I could write a book. Even when I didn’t trust anyone…I could trust him. He has since helped me with trusting people. He is the picture of Jesus hands and feet. He is someone you can always count on. He walks the walk and more. His gentleness, long suffering and kindness and especially his patience is what I strive for daily. I don’t know where I’d be or who I’d be if it weren’t for his guidance and love. I am so blessed and grateful that he is my Father in law, my friend and my Bishop! - Joy Patterson

To hear our Bishop’s teaching you can worship with us in person or online. Or watch the replay of his sermons on our YouTube Channel.

Leave your story of impact in the comments!