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Kelsey Gets Clean: The Redemption of an Addict


Inspiration, encouragement and devotion from the members of Faith Tabernacle in Conyers, GA. A church blog devoted to helping you grow in your relationship with Christ. 

Faith Tabernacle is a pentecostal church whose goal is to help our community find joy and strength in Christ through the application of Biblical principles and life skills.

Kelsey Gets Clean: The Redemption of an Addict

Summer Neal

By: Kelsey Pittman/ Edited by: Summer Neal

My life was very chaotic before I found Jesus.

Both my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts so I was interested in drugs and alcohol at a very young age. I remember how D.A.R.E. Class would excite me, I couldn’t wait to try the things they were trying to scare me away from.

The first time I drank alcohol I was 10, and I tried weed at 11. About a week after I tried weed I decided that it wasn’t strong enough for me, so I got ahold of some cocaine.

By the age of 12 I was a full blown cocaine addict.

I was bringing cocaine to school in the 7th grade and my addiction just progressed from there.

I would go through phases. I’d stop doing one substance and start doing another. Then I turned to alcohol.

By the age of 12 I was a full blown cocaine addict.
— Kelsey Pittman

I was 17 the first time I ever really realized I was an alcoholic. I woke up with the shakes and drinking a beer was the cure. At the time, I thought that was hilarious.

I got pregnant right out of high school. I am blessed that my son, Charlie, has the best dad. Especially since I wasn’t the best mom.

Due to my alcohol abuse, I ultimately lost custody of Charlie when he was 3 or 4 years oldl. I say 3 or 4 because I have no memory of those years of his life due to Xanax and alcohol addiction. I’m not even sure how long it’s been since I’ve heard his voice.

When I lost Charlie, the right thing to do would have been to get sober and fight for him, but my addiction didn’t allow that. I met a guy that did meth and “fell in love”.

We had a miserable relationship but we stayed together for years. After years of trying to have a baby to “fix our relationship” we decided one day to ask God for a baby. Two weeks later he beat me very badly, held me hostage for 18 hours, when I tried to escape, the neighbor saw him grab me by my feet and pull me back into the house and the police came.

At that point I thought I was done. But a few weeks later, I  found out I was pregnant.

I wish I could say my addiction was put to rest by this news but I can’t. My son, Carson, is a miracle. It’s only by the grace of God that he is alive and healthy.

It didn’t take long for me to start selling my body for drugs. 
— Kelsey Pittman

When Carson was about a year old I was introduced to heroin. I fell in love with it. This addiction was the worst of the worst. It came before everything, including my son.

He screamed and cried while he watched me shoot up, and I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t stop. He’s seen more than any child should ever see.

It didn’t take long for me to start selling my body for drugs. 

Right before Carson’s 3rd birthday my parents were woken up by him screaming “mommy mommy wake up!” They found me unconscious with a needle hanging out of my arm.

I woke up the next day and my brother came to me and asked me to go get help.

My brother knew someone who had been in a program called Our House Of Restoration, and he contacted the program director, Kimberly Eskew. I went into the program and was taken to Faith Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church.

After only visiting the church twice, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost and was baptized in the name of Jesus.

Kimberly Eskew definitely played a huge role in me coming to Jesus and I stayed in her program for 9 months. And after I left, my new friend, Tammy Frazier, became a wonderful example of how a Christian woman should be.

Tammy has taught me to give cheerfully, be the same person in church and out of church, and to love everyone, whether you like them or not. 

Faith Tabernacle is the most loving church I’ve ever been to. I have had bad experiences with churches and I remember feeling so loved the moment I walked in. They have given me opportunities to serve the Lord, giving me wonderful examples of how to live a holy lifestyle, and taught me that God is always good even when life is not.

My life has changed in all aspects since I decided to follow Jesus. I am a wonderful mother to Carson, and have faith that one day I’ll be able to do the same for Charlie.

I’m teaching Carson about Christ. I bought a car for the first time. I go to work everyday, and support myself and my son. I don’t depend on anyone or any substance to help me get through my days. 

I have been living for the Lord for a year.

My favorite verses are Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 23, and Matthew 7:7

Some of my favorite worship songs are Great Are You Lord, Touch the Hem of His Garment and Clean. 

Kelsey recently shared her story with our church. Check out the video!